Right Hand provides a hands-on, nimble, personal approach, ensuring your brand gets the attention it deserves. We will make sure you are firmly positioned among industry leaders by creating press-worthy conversations, driving online and print media coverage and social interactions, organising events and connecting the dots to form inspiring collaborations. Our team of innovative entrepreneurs are inspired by your goals and offer maximum flexibility to meet your fast-paced business needs. 

Services include:
• Brand auditing: lending a fresh eye to your offering
• PR strategy across print, online, broadcast & social media
• PR campaigns on a national, regional & international level
• Written material: press releases, brochures, newsletters & POS copy
• Complementary brand & third party collaborations
• Creative thinking and advice across all channels
• Brand, product & venue launches
• Press & blogger events
• Support with buyer talks
• Advice on trade fairs and festivals
• Suggestions on awards to enter into
• Advice on photography and recipe creation
• Detailed and robust trend reports

Would you like to chat about your business and PR goalsEmail us directly at alex@right-hand.co to arrange a meeting and ask for a quote.


We are currently working on series of events for our clients. We also organise press, blogger and community events. 

We created and look after bi-monthly event series called Innovation Generation, at Shoreditch House and Soho Works

In collaboration with Hoxton Hotel, we bring you Fresh and Fit Fest